
Showing posts from May, 2022

An open secret to success you ignore

How success happens? Slowly. Gradually. And then in a smash. Suddenly. But we remain unaware of the slow changes that unfolded bit by bit beneath the surface, and feel no major activity took place. Behind the scenes work is hidden, because after all, it’s behind the scenes. It’s solitary, boring, hard work. Work that makes you fall and sucks your energy. Work that forces you to pass through dreary deserts and long droughts. Despite your massive efforts, you feel no progress is taking place, and this feeling could remain in your heart for months or even for years. Your belief in yourself begins to waver, and you feel like calling it quits. Let’s say that you’re trying to become a writer. You read different books, research the market, decide your target audience, and then assimilate all the information that you gathered to change it into a book. During all this unattractive time, you fall and fail several times. Friends and reviewers tell you that your arguments are g...