The Deceptive Secret of completing a Big Project Without Feeling Overwhelmed
Whether one admits it or not, it happens all the time. We look at a huge project and feel that wave of cold dread washing over our bones. I’m going to tell you a shameful secret about myself. It could ruin the little reputation that I have, but let it come. Years ago, I started writing a huge novel, but the tyranny of the project overwhelmed me. So I gave up on it. Did I just tell you that I failed? Exactly. I had just started my 21-kilometre run when I felt a heaviness on my chest. The enormity of the distance for an untrained person like me was powerful enough to wipe out all the motivation. Yes, I tell you, right on your face, I had wanted to crawl back into bed. I felt the game’s over. Finish. But I told myself to keep running, even if I didn’t reach the target. And so, I kept at it. As far as my novel is concerned, well, I couldn’t complete it, but I wrote two books and covered huge distances in marathons. And wh...