
Showing posts with the label belief

Surprising: How to get unstuck by telling yourself different story

It’s weird, isn’t it? You’ve got all the time in the world. You’ve got exciting projects lined up, just waiting to be tackled. But… You can’t seem to fire up your engines. You can’t even get the car rolling. You tell yourself that if you push through and get to work, you’ll feel fulfilled, make money, and even take a step closer to the dreams that stir your soul. But that pep talk? It falls flat. It fizzles out like a dud firecracker, despite all the right words. And what do you do next? You start thinking you’re lazy. Unmotivated. Maybe you’re just not cut out for it. Your passion’s drained, and your enthusiasm feels like it’s vanished into thin air. But then, you remember—you’ve been here before. You’ve faced tough spots like this, some even worse. That thought gives you a little comfort, but it doesn’t quite ignite the spark—the one where the words flow effortlessly,...

Are experts wrong to say writing is hard? Write like bomb

Is writing really hard? I think so, but if we practise it since our very childhood, it can get natural for us. We rarely and very rarely feel a hurdle in talking. But if we’re asked to write what we talk, we’ll begin to feel an obstruction. My daughter is of 2 years, and it’s a real struggle for her to speak. She hems and haws and gasps and checks herself multiple times before uttering 1 little broken word. This is with all the children. But as they touch the age of 3, you can’t keep them from talking and twittering and cheeping about all those innocent nothings. Do we ever tell them that talking is tough? That it’s meant just for a tiny privileged few? That they’ll have to be really lucky and talented and gifted to learn it? No. Never. But this isn’t so with writing. Well-intentioned teachers and parents tell us that writing is terribly complex. In writing, they say, we need to care deeply about punctuating and spellings and all those cobwebby rules of semantics....

Unbelievable and nerve-racking: Your role models were just like you

Ever felt your role models were supermen? That heavens have showered upon them powers you’re deprived of? Those high-flying humans would have had invisible wings which you don’t have, right? Wrong. No one's perfect. But, for years this shitty idea clouded my worldview, and it incrementally curbed my onward speed. Oh that I had the belief in the blissful truth that people who I look up to also had their portion of imperfections – you would have been seeing a much more updated version of me. Because believe it or not, it’s true as hell that our beliefs to our destiny are what frames are to clay. But if this looks wishy-washy then reading this will sweep off your doubts: This guy’s belief tore all scientific data – It’s 1954. experts everywhere are citing a mountain of empirical data to tell you that it’s impossible for a human body to run a 4-minute mile. Any questions or arguments countering this fact is foolery. What’s decreed is decreed. But then an un...