How to draw attention-grabbing images just by using sensory words
Ever noticed how few writers draw so vivid images by their writing as if you were watching a film? Ever smelled that mouldy basement odour, setting your teeth in the creamy coatings of that thick chocolate, hearing the screeching of that broken bench, and felt like writing with the same appeal? Well, I’m intrigued by the idea of showing images in my writing instead of just furnishing information. Painting moving images through our writing connects to our unconscious mind and addressing all the senses of our reader. “When you trust images to do the work for you, most of what spills on to paper is unconscious.” Adair Lara Want talking about twinkling stars? Instead of telling that the stars were twinkling, show their reflection on the rippling waters. Drawing pictures on paper isn’t that easy. It requires a great effort of our concentration, of being present in the moment to observe things around. If we're saying that ‘The weather was inclemently cold,’ we...