One frightening truth about failures which fetches success

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.”

JK Rowling, Harvard Commencement Address, 2008

Imagine you’re the head of a top mobile company. You’re selling thousands of mobiles a day. But boom. A technical hitch has started triggering explosions in the phones manufactured by your company.

Your choices?

A: You can gather all the employees and go on a rage and do little to think about the ways that can keep your company on the rails.

B: Or instead of ruminating over the problem you can lift your head up to discuss about the different problem-solving options.

The only difference?

Option A isn’t going to undo the damage while the option B can minimise it and keep your company in business.

The same option-oriented approach is equally vital when it comes to overcoming the hiccups that you undergo on your academic and career course. You have the choice of burying your face in sadness or you can rise up and think about ways that can render your failures irrelevant.

Of course, the second approach isn’t easy. Of course, the second approach isn’t free of pain or toil.

But isn’t the case so with the first approach as well?

So it turns out that the correct approach to snatch success despite failures is to figure out options that can dismiss the predicament instead of fixating on the problem and refusing to see the light.

When you fail, you have a choice. The choice of cursing your luck and remaining in the ditch or the choice of climbing out of the situation and rising up to success. Both of them are tough, but taking positive action has the promise to fetch you joy.

No matter what you do, 1 brutal and beautiful truth is that some failures are inevitable on the road of life.

It can be our failure of winning lady love. It can be our failure of earning a 6-figure income. It can be our failure of securing high grades in academics.

Whatever, if we dwell on the misfortune and don’t focus on problem-solving options, success is going to miss us.

Be prepared to fail. And be more prepared to make a comeback.

“Fall seven times, stand up eight.”

Japanese Proverb


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