Astounding: Your fears can make your fondest dreams real

And here’s the reason behind it:

As a general rule, we fear what improves us.

Admit it, you fear public speaking. You fear asking questions in conferences.

But you know it deep down in your heart that if you go forth to do it, you’ll get closer to success.

We resist what’s tough for us, but the amazing truth is that all improvement takes place beyond the boundaries of our comfort zone.

So, if we’re resisting public speaking, it’s a clear sign that it would bring improvement in us, and eventually we must do that particular thing.

If you’re resisting physical workouts, you know that it’s the thing you want to go after. If you’re resisting to post regularly on your blog because you feel they’ll laugh at you, you know you need to chase that very thing.

We resist what’s tough and risky for us. A student will invent excuses to avoid studying deeply, in a distraction-free climate.

He might keep his phone within his reach, he might not turn off the notifications, he might study at a place with a lot of distractions – so that if eventually he isn’t able to concentrate at his studies he has a list of clever excuses to shift the blame on. But resistance can me our friend, our guide, a signpost to steer our vehicle ahead on the right direction.

And how is it so is fairly simple. The moment we feel like running away from something, we must know that that’s the very thing we must do, and that’s the very thing which is going to bring us closer towards success.

However, this doesn’t mean that we take sinful or foolish actions. Double-crossing your life partner is something that you’ll resist, but the voice of this resistance is different.

This voice gets triggered by your conscience, not from your foolish fears. When you think of going on a college picnic even though your mother is ill, and therefore she needs you by her side, a little voice screams on you – wanting you not to go.

This voice is of your conscience, not of your fear-provoked resistance. But when you get nervous at a time when there’s an opportunity for you to stand up and speak, it’s your fear-provoked resistance, and it’s this voice which is improvement-averse, inimical to success.

You require venturing out towards this nature of resistance because in this direction are all the real goldmines – waiting to be claimed by you. and you know it in your heart.

Now it comes to the resistance which we feel before taking foolish actions, like overeating, driving at an astounding speed or ruining time gossiping about things and so on. This resistance also is healthy and we have to heed this voice.

When I consume too much caffeine, a voice in me dissuades me from it. When I eat spicy, mouth-watering chips, after a time a voice in me dissuades me from it.

This voice is not of that frivolous fear-provoked resistance, but of my logic, wisdom, intellect. And when I heed it not, I suffer.

There’s a fine distinction between the resistance triggering by our groundless fears and the resistance springing from our logic. And we know it deep in our hearts. We need to go ahead on the path of resistance triggered by our groundless fears and mind our steps when our logic says something.


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