7 little-known tips to instantly turn you into a writing machine

Ever wondered how some people crank out blogposts after blogposts and books after books – though they too have the same responsibilities and the same writing time?

The mystery is that even though they’re superfast writing machines, their writings are picture-perfect and massively popular.

If you were to write like them, you presume, your writing quality will suffer. You perhaps think that while writing slow you make a bunch of mistakes, and therefore if you speed up your writing process, there will be many blunders slipping through the cracks and killing whatever effectiveness you have.



Here’re a cluster of top tips that will remarkably ramp up our writing effectiveness and change us into superfast writing machines.

1. Slam the door

Not only the door of your room, but also those multiple windows of distractions. Admit it, we work in the culture and climate of distractions.

There’s your phone with all those new and fancy apps. You have your emails. Facebook. Twitter. Whatsapp. You have a bunch of friends asking to go for coffee, gossiping about a hot news, and so on, and before you know it, your time vanquishes in the heavy fog of distractions.

The number one technique to eliminate these distractions is having a deep focus. Your focus and concentration should be so intense, so intense, that you feel that you have lost yourself in your work till you pursue it.

To gain this focus, we need to switch off all distractions. I slam the door of my room and tell my family not to disturb me unless if it really is something urgent or life-threatening.

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”

Alexander Graham Bell

2. Rule your mind

“Rule your mind or it will rule you.”

Horace, first-century B.C. Roman poet

One of the best ways we can rule our mind and boost our concentration is by meditating. Myriads of studies say that daily meditation of a few minutes, say of 10 minutes, help us get laser-sharp focus.

So, if you begin to meditate, your focus will sharply shoot up, and this will help you massively when you write. It would prevent you from thinking about irrelevant stuff and you’ll pour your full on writing.

3. Write the first word that strikes your mind

It’s so tempting to write a word and then thinking that you could have used a better one. What happens here is that the moment that better word pops up in your mind, your focus shifts from conveying your point to picking up the right word.

Provided that we give it our full concentration, oftentimes the word that comes first to our mind is the best. What’s the point of replacing the first word with the second and then again putting it back after some time?

Am I undermining the significance of choosing the right words? Hell no.

Post-completing the first draft, we have a lot of time to edit it. Our writer and editor mind can’t go hand in hand.

4. Fill yourself with a certain emotion

This advice comes from the stunningly successful Stephen King – never come to the act of writing lightly: “You can come to the act with your fists clenched and your eyes narrowed, ready to kick ass and take down names. You can come to it because you want a girl to marry you or because you want to change the world. Come to it any way but lightly.”

Yes, you should be so overfull with a certain emotion – let it be anger, joy, frustration, disgust or whatever – that it feels impossible for you to control your emotion. Words thus rushing off will be stormy and make themselves flutter on paper.

We can recall any incident that wounded our honour or when we were bestowed with appreciation. We can revive the memories of that damn girl who compelled us to scream and cry in our dark lonely rooms having stung our hearts with fangs of deception.

5. Outline it

In this post I emphasised on giving subheads to your piece pre-writing. Already aware of the route and turns you require taking, your writing gets specific and thus it catches up speed.

Knowing how your content will reach conclusion is like knowing in advance the turns you need to take while driving. It prevents on-route inquiries and needless back and forth, and you hit your destination faster.

6. Set timers

A cluster of researches reveal that when we work under timers, we work faster. Setting reasonable timers mounts the right kind of pressure on us and resultantly we filter all distractions to focus on our work.

With timers on, we don’t fall in the trap of doubting our work. We don’t also invent clever excuses – such as dwelling over the right word choice or putting overly accurate punctuation marks. We just dash it out.

Because timers are running, we eliminate all irrelevant things and pass right ahead to the finishing line. I use the popular pomodoro technique to up my writing speed and it might work with you too.

7. Be confident

Your points might make lofty sense, but the cold truth?

If you lack confidence, your reader will be the first person to know it. Not said confidently, the most shining of advices pale into darkness.

If you’re confident about what you’re saying, your pen will automatically pick up a stormy pace. Your confidence will spill over paper accelerating your writing speed letting you put down more words in less time. Reader, swept off.

The next step

Go pick any of these tips and see how your writing speed shoots off like a rocket.

The truth?

Yeah, you and I can become like those superfast writing machines! We have what it takes to crush it…


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