7 little-known rotten mistakes that crushed my improvement

If I hadn’t made these 7 common and little-known mistakes in my younger years, this time my success would have been tenfold.

1. I settled with the easy or with the less important.

And due to this, I couldn’t burnish my skills. It’s said that one grows when one does something a little over his head – when he stretches himself a little more.

For example, when I was at college, I didn’t read actively (marking/underlining the important and making my own notes). I just rushed through the books if I got time from reading newspapers and emails, and obviously it wasn’t the best thing.

If I had read actively, and cared less about newspapers and emails, my progress would have been tenfold.

2. I shed a considerable amount of attention on ridiculous stuff.

For example, I fussed over what x person would have thought about me. I devoted a lot of time thinking about what folks think about me, though it would have been hugely fruitful for me to utilise the same attention on my core work.

3. If something negative happened, I got very much stuck with it.

Now I know that whether good or bad – things are quickly scraped off from the skyline of our attention, and today’s situation might not carry on till tomorrow.

Dark moments clouded my thinking, and I felt that all is over. This negativity kept me from leaping ahead and putting forth my best work.

4. I too much got carried away with small gains.

If someone told me that I have done a great piece of work, I fancied that I’m the next Tata. This feeling kept me so much engrossed with the petty that I forgot to do fruitful work, and this curbed my progress.

5. (And this complements the previous point) I thought that I’m the next genius.

This feeling of being the genius kept me from hard work because I had a complacent feeling that I can do it easily – whenever I wish. Due to this falsehood I slipped into a laid-back attitude and consequently my time got misused.

6. I concerned myself too much with the trifling.

Oftentimes small events such as having a bitter argument with someone had kept my thinking engaged – so much that till the time that story played in my mind I failed to focus on the fruitful work.

If I entered into a fight with someone, I failed to focus on my studies for a good time duration, and it obviously had repercussions.

7. I didn’t take risks, and when I did, they weren’t of the right kind.

We know that risk to success is what head is to the body. The fruitful risks for me would have been getting up and releasing my work and grabbing the opportunity of climbing on to the stage to speak out my ideas and so on.

But I settled with foolish risks such as smoking or picking up quarrels with folks or not taking care of my health.


Reflect if you’re making these or similar mistakes and kick them out of your life to speed up your progress.


  1. Wow! That really relates to me! The ones that you shared is some of the same mistakes I made in my life too.... It took years of maturity to leave the trifling things away..


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