4 productivity-doubling things I must do but...

Plunging right away in the matter without any introduction…

1. I must meditate

I have for a long time heard about the deep fruitfulness of meditation.

But it’s a shame that till this date I haven’t put this into my daily practice.

In a school in the U.S., children with cognitive challenges are able to perform miraculously at their studies because their teacher makes them meditate for 10 minutes every morning.

He places a toy on their bellies and tells them to see how it rises and falls as they breathe in and out.

This practice of only 10 minutes a day helps them remain clear throughout the entire day, and due to this daily ritual they super perform at their studies.

When I uncovered this mind-quickening story, I thought that if children with mental challenges can perform so well due to their 10-minute meditation of every morning, then it’s very likely that my performance at work too is going to touch astounding heights.

2. I must keep a calendar.

I have read about the daily rituals of a bunch of eminent personalities, and do you know what one thing I found common in almost all of them?

Keeping a calendar.

Because in this fast-paced world, more than many times tasks of top import melt away from our mind. I commit to do x thing tomorrow, but by the time the day changes, dozens and dozens of small and big chores bubble up on the surface.

The previous day’s top-import task consequently drowns away in this ever-increasing traffic.

I know it in my bones that keeping a calendar is going to keep me focussed on my core goals/tasks. And, if I’m found erring from the way, what’s down in the calendar would stare me in the eye, making me feel answerable for the commitment.

3. I must workout.

In a healthy body resides a healthy mind…Does this truism ring a bell?

Sure, you would have heard similar statements in millions.

And isn’t it even boring to hear it again?

But all productivity gurus and successful entrepreneurs stress on engaging in a robust physical exercise.

Many science-backed findings confirm that it’s imperative for us to workout daily as it keeps us healthy which in turn makes us more productive.

But the scathing truth?

Even though I know that this is true as hell, I don’t engage in a regular physical exercise. Yeah, I do workout, but it’s still not welded up in my daily schedule.

(Oh year…the same it’s with meditation also as I told above.)

4. I must make a secluded corner to do my work.

Family? Guests? Phones?

Well, all these are perfect blessings, but while you’re engaged in a deep, meaningful, cognitively demanding work, they spoil it all up.

I have noticed my productivity shooting up remarkably when I’m not interrupted by my family and friends while working.

(This time I’m in a solitary room with my phone on silent.)

Not good to react frustratingly to your dear ones while they interrupt you during your deep working sessions.

Because you know, there should be boundaries for all things.

If a part of your mind is thinking about work while you’re sipping tea with your family/friends, they’ll quickly know that you’re not entirely with them.

It sends a bad signal, and the next person might even feel insulted by your half-hearted attention.

With this approach you neither work thoroughly nor enjoy thoroughly.

Yeah, I do work in solitude, but not always am I able to find a solitary corner for myself.

Still with me?

So these are 4 main measures pursuing which are bound to up my game miraculously.

What about you? If you’re in with me on some of these points, then just plunge ahead full steam and take them up one by one – your productivity too would go off the roof.

You betcha.


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